Facelift with Forma - Zero Downtime | SIX08 Health Styling for tooltip.

Facelifts with Forma

Maintaining youthful looking skin is a goal for many people entering our medical aesthetics department. As we age, our collagen and elastin begin to degrade. This results in excess, loose skin which is one of the first signs of aging, but Forma can help.

This Radio-frequency skin tightening treatment is an aesthetic technique that uses radio-frequency energy to heat the skin. The purpose of this is to stimulate and rebuild collagen and elastin production to reduce the signs of aging. This technique provides an alternative to a facelift and other cosmetic surgeries, allowing people to avoid more intense anti-aging treatments.

What to know about Forma:

  • Is it suitable for all skin types: YES! Forma is suitable for all skin types and is great for individuals seeking a non-invasive and natural approach to enhance skin tone and texture irregularities.
  • Is there downtime: NO! Forma is a non-invasive treatment. The device incorporates multiple technologies that allow for prolonged, controlled dermal heating while limiting the potential for side effects. This treatment is great right before a big event for GLOWING, tightened skin and many people use it before their wedding or other social events!
  • Does it hurt: NO! Most clients describe the treatment as a hot stone massage for the face. The device heats up and is massaged over the areas of concern in very comfortable.
  • How many treatments are recommended: 6-8 treatments are recommended spaced out 1 week a part.
  • How long do the results last: After completing a series of 6-8 treatments, results should last 6-12 months with maintenance treatments recommended every 3-6 months.

Non-invasive skin tightening is a rapidly emerging area in cosmetics, as people are looking to avoid facelifts and other invasive procedures. This novel radio-frequency device represents a safe and effective new treatment option for non-invasive skin tightening and rejuvenation, with no downtime!